Friday, September 30, 2005

Lång dags färd mot natt

This Wednesday a friend of mine drove to Gävle (260 km from Hagfors) to buy a motorcycle. He wanted company for the trip, so I went with him. We left after work at 6 pm, and were back home again at 3:20 am... Thursday was kind of a slow day at work for me.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

SEM, laundry

Today I got a lesson on how to operate a Scanning Electron Microscope... I will use it to analyse the chemical composition of tiny non-metallic particles in steel. Research... Interesting word... You gather lots of experimental data... then you search it through, scratch your head a little, and then you reasearch your data again and again trying to find interesting correlations between various parameters. Research. And again. Can be frustrating.
I long for my PS2 and GT4...
Tonight I'll do laundry, I really have to, the socks on my feet don't even match... I am wearing the last two clean socks I had, and they are from different pairs. At least it was less than a week since the last vacuuming and dusting (?) of my apartment and the mountain of dirty dishes is non-existent, so everything is not falling apart around me regarding the daily/weekly chores.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

First time

Well... Everyvody else has a blog it seems, so why shouldn't I.
Today after work is the first time I will play the electric bass for more than a year. First time test rehearsal with this new constellation... (new to me). Looking forward to it. I expect blisters on my right index finger and the long one in the middle, whatever it's called.